Waste Water Treatment Plant

Water clarification is used in the treatment of industrial effluent, municipal waste water and municipal drinking water as per-treatment to further purification processes.

“SVJPL” patented water clarification plants includes SVJPL-Activeflo,  Active Turbo,SVJPL-Multiflo.

Water clarification with SVJPL-Activeflo
The patented high rate water clarification system, developed by “SVJPL”. Referred to as the ultimate clarifier.

  • Unique settling characteristics
  • High overflow rates
  • Short retention times

These characteristics make it ideal for municipal applications across the country. The process covers numerous applications and can be integrated into many treatment chains to produce high quality potable water. The System provides even shorter retention times than the system, and boasts an even smaller footprint.


Multiflow Technology is an advanced clarification technology which incorporates chemical precipitation with sludge thickening – this produces a thickened sludge which can easily be dewatered. The technology is extremely efficient at removing high amounts of precipitated solids from water. “SVJPL” offers numerous operational benefits, including:

  • A small footprint
  • Low sensitivity to operational upsets and stop/start conditions
  • A low concentration of suspended solids in treated water
  • A high concentration of suspended solids (calcium carbonate) in the generated sludge
  • Lower capital and operational costs when compared to conventional clarifiers


The method also offers solutions for the removal of high levels of arsenic and heavy metals from water. This method is called the SVJPL-Mutiflow-Pro configuration and combines the coagulation, flocculation and settling stages in a streamlined process.

  1. Coagulation/Flocculation stage:

    After oxidation raw water flows successively through two tanks equipped with propeller type mixers. developed by “SVJPL”, optimizes chemical dosing, mixing and floc formation.

  2. Lamella settling:

    The flocculated arsenic and colloidal matters enter the bottom of the settling tank fitted with lamella plates. The water flows upwards, in the opposite direction to the settling flocs. The flocs are deposited along the plates and slide downwards under the effect of gravity.

  3. Sludge re-circulation:

    This feature optimizes chemical dosing and further improves sludge settling and thickening.

  4. Well adapted to high concentrations of arsenic
  5. Co-precipitation of other heavy metals
  6. Removal of suspended solids and color
  7. Softening
  8. High thickened sludge concentration
  9. Easy to build and operate
  10. Robust and proven technology

SVJPL Lamella Tube Settler

Tube settlers and parallel plates increase the settling capacity of circular/rectangular clarifiers by reducing the vertical distance a floc particle must settle before agglomerating to form larger particles.

Tube settlers use multiple tubular channels sloped at an angle of 60° and adjacent to each other, which combine to form an increased effective settling area. This provides for a particle settling depth that is significantly less than the settling depth of a conventional clarifier, reducing settling times. Tube settlers capture the settle able fine floc that escapes the clarification zone beneath the tube settlers and allows the larger floc to travel to the tank bottom in a more settle able form. The tube settler’s channel collects solids into a compact mass which promotes the solids to slide down the tube channel.

  • High settling Settling rate
  • Settling of smaller flocs also
  • Tube Settler media increases the settling area hence area required compared to Conventional Clarifier is less than half.